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American Car Donation - Who to Call and What to Do

The procedures for American car donation are quite simple in reality. First you must have a car that you are willing to donate. Secondly you must be willing to donate it. Finally there are some questions you need to ask yourself before attempting to donate the vehicle.

Is the car, or truck in good condition? The last thing you want to do is give a decaying car to a organization the helps people. They may be angry if it falls apart mid trip. You also do not want to donate a vehicle if it needs extensive maintenance, or repairs.

The next question to ask yourself is the second most important. Who needs it more? This is a tough question but not the toughest. You want your donation to go to where it will do the most good. There are many people that could use a working car, or truck that may be sitting around just collecting dust.

Finally the most important question. Who should I give it to? You've compiled your list of groups that need a vehicle from churches, to community outreach programs. But in the end you only have one vehicle, and you can only give it to one group regardless of how bad they all need one. If you want to try to make an impact globally, then give it to a mission group, or someone fighting world problems.

The options mentioned above are good for groups, and organizations, but what if you want to give it to people? Well college students always need cars. Sometimes a neighbor in bad financial condition. Maybe a family member might need your old vehicle. If you know someone whose homeless, but trying to find work a car can be a life saver for them, literally.

Giving out of kindness, and not asking, or accepting recognition for the act can be good for prestige. However if your evil and absolutely need some kind of kickback, or reward then know that you can get one. Many cities, groups, and agencies will give a tax credit, or pay cash for the donation of a car. There, is your greedy heart happy now?

Okay so you've gone through the whole organization ordeal and listed all the groups, but you still want specifics on who needs it most. Try medical organizations that fight rare diseases. Check local towns, outreach programs, anything you can think of that you hadn't considered at first that may need a car.Leave no stone unturned in your search.

If your real involved in the community though, there's one option that you've probably overlooked. It has been right in front of you this whole time, it's your town. Yes your own town, you can save your city some cash by donating your car to them for government workers to use on daily errands. This will save the city a couple thousand that they can put towards other things.

Just remember, there are so many groups that could use a vehicle that its not funny. You can't donate to them all and if you try you'll get a headache. Please make sure it's in good condition first before you donate. For the people out there that think one vehicle won't help, trust me it will.